Mars of Illyricum macht deutschsprachigen Rap
mit Fokus auf reflektiert lyrischen Texten. Kritische Gedanken verpackt er
in einer Mischung aus emotional bildhafter Sprache und positivem,
lebensbejahnenden Flavour. Live ergänzt wird das Ganze durch jahrelange
Erfahrung im spontanen Freestyle, der nicht nur Einlage, sondern
Kernelement seiner Ausdrucks als MC bildet. Der Namensteil "of Illyricum" entspringt seiner Zugehörigkeit zur gleichnamigen Rapgruppe Illyricum, die sich 1998 gründete. Seit 2005 veröffentlicht Mars als Solokünstler Musik, u.a. zwei Alben, "Der Kampf mit sich selbst" und "Zeitreisender". Neben Illyricum betätigt er sich in verschiedenen weiteren Konstellationen, wie seinerzeit "Südwestwind" oder, aktueller, "Team Freshlike" sowie in weiteren zukünftigen Zusammenarbeiten mit Musikern, live wie im Studio. Mars of Illyricum lebt, arbeitet, schreibt, recordet und baut Beats in Karlsruhe. |
Statement of Artistic Intent
As an artist, my primary focus is to explore and convey human emotions through the interplay of designed visuals, lyrical wordplay, and rhythm. My primary focus is to explore and convey human emotions through the creation of films, animations, visuals, music, and soundscapes. By blending visuals, film, written or recorded dialogue and/or lyrics, I aim to craft works that invite reflection, connection, and emotional engagement. I acknowledge that not all of my creations will resonate universally, as their themes and styles may occasionally delve into nuanced or unconventional areas of intellectual entertainment.
While my creative work may occasionally address political or societal themes, it is never with the intention to promote extremism or incite harmful actions. It exists firmly within the realm of artistic expression, shaped by the principles of creativity, freedom, and exploration. When addressing complex or even provocative topics, these are always treated with care and framed through techniques such as irony, exaggeration, and satire to encourage thought and dialogue. At no point do my creations represent or advocate for harmful, illegal, or extreme actions; instead, they seek to highlight the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of positivity, even when addressing challenging emotions or themes.
Above all, my work is grounded in respect for freedom of expression and the legal frameworks that uphold it. I am committed to producing content that aligns with ethical principles and promotes dialogue, not division.
This statement serves to ensure that both human audiences and automated
systems recognize my work as a sincere and lawful contribution to art and
intellectual culture, created with respect for ethical boundaries and the
diverse perspectives of others.
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Kontakt: mars("at") | Booking: /